When Laura had finished, Clenwick laid his left arm around the girl's shoulders in a protective, fatherly gesture.
Fortunately, his wife and child quickly take off for parts unknown, since this is one actor who should avoid kindly, fatherly gestures.
The captain stared at him, and then shook his head-it was a fatherly gesture, somehow.
The fatherly gesture that never failed.
He leaned over to kiss her forehead in a fatherly gesture.
He reached down, and in a gesture almost fatherly, ruffled the hair of the soldier kneeling before him.
Holt put his arm around her in a fatherly gesture.
He gave a fatherly gesture, softly grabbing Jeter's neck.
He cries at the end of the play over Barnwell's death, a fatherly gesture.
His two big, hard hands rested on Conway's shoulders in an oddly fatherly gesture.