The remaining weight of the egg white comes from protein, trace minerals, fatty material, vitamins, and glucose.
Then, as nerve cells become distended with fatty material, mental and physical abilities deteriorate.
This problem occurs when fatty material (plaque) builds up on the walls of your arteries.
It is used as a bland protective dressing, and as a substitute for fatty materials in ointments.
Sometimes, they even eat animal carcasses, suet, lard, pork rinds and other fatty materials.
Unable to produce an essential enzyme, my body allows a fatty material to accumulate uncontrollably in various places.
Atherosclerosis, a deposit of fatty materials, such as cholesterol, in the arteries which causes hardening.
These can be found in blood vessel walls that are crammed with fatty material.
Gaucher disease is a genetic condition in which the body lacks the enzyme needed to break down certain fatty materials (lipids).
Plaque is a fatty material made up of cholesterol, calcium, and other substances in the blood.