Three firefighters were slightly injured battling the fire, which investigators suspect was started by a short circuit or a faulty boiler.
A faulty boiler is fitted into a house and causes structural damage to the property when it explodes.
Noise may also be caused by scale in direct hot water systems (page 48) or from a faulty boiler (seek professional advice).
After finding sanctuary in the park at 1 Liberty Plaza, Mr. Petroski heard a rumor that the explosion had been caused by a faulty boiler.
A carbon monoxide leak from the faulty boiler renders John Paul and the other revellers unconscious.
She falls asleep, slowly being poisoned from carbon monoxide from her faulty boiler.
(The Navy ruled in 1950 that the Maine had been sunk by a faulty boiler.)
A faulty boiler, however, kept her in port for repairs until 1 February 1964, when she resumed operations with 7th Fleet.
The police call and the investigating officer Kate Graham informs Scott that they have determined a faulty boiler caused the fire.
No. 2 was found to have a faulty boiler, and was used as a source of spares for No. 1.