It was typical of the animal rights activists to use one horrific example of research to draw a faulty conclusion.
For example, incorrectly assuming the Cox model can in some cases lead to faulty conclusions.
What worried her perhaps even more was that it was unlike Rasa to reach such a faulty conclusion.
No deletions were made to conceal incorrect assessments or faulty conclusions, or to remove information embarrassing to the Agency.
Since you drew faulty conclusions from my report, I have plenty to add.
Or people with psychological difficulties may have thinking disorders-they can't carry on a logical conversation, they'll jump to faulty conclusions, they're irrational.
The laboratory is investigating how the scientists came to their faulty conclusion, whether a buggy computer program, human error or even fraud is to blame.
Flawed premises lead to faulty conclusions, as we find on occasion in this report.
Amazing coincidences are much more common than we may think, and sometimes, when over-interpreted, they lead to faulty conclusions.
You leaped to a faulty conclusion.