Expoland was cited by authorities for faulty maintenance when similar axle cracks were found on a second train a month later.
The report, among other things, raised the possibility that faulty maintenance rather than the construction had caused the problems at the school.
A combination of crew error and faulty maintenance was blamed in that accident.
The machinists have accused Eastern of faulty maintenance and falsifying maintenance records.
"Wonder if this was caused by faulty maintenance."
An exhaustive inquiry laid the blame on faulty maintenance and inspections by the airline.
The first prototype, UB-14, was destroyed in a 1935 accident attributed to faulty maintenance on the aileron control system.
And they often called the police, only to be told that suspicious movements and faulty maintenance was not enough evidence to warrant an investigation.
Both pilots were instantly killed whilst faulty maintenance is suspected.
The accident, in April 1988, was attributed to faulty maintenance and focused attention on the aging of commercial aircraft everywhere.