Things seen with faulty Visual perception do not really exist.
The "distortion" is a faulty perception of others, based not on actual experience with the individual, but from a projected fantasy personality attributed to them.
The authors argue this finding results from premature trust which eventuates into the faulty perception that protection is unnecessary.
He had come into St. Paul operating on faulty perceptions, without all the necessary information.
He realized that he was a victim of faulty sensory perception.
This faulty sensory perception, as he called it, was an inseparable part of an habitual use of himself.
He called this very common human condition 'our faulty sensory perception'.
This allows one to rise above faulty perceptions of "good" and "bad".
What you find is that much of the underdog-overdog stereotype is faulty perception.
So at this point all I have left is this faulty perception, from time to time, and the scars.