I'm getting a faulty reading.
Before the vote today Lando W. Zech Jr., the commission chairman, said that among the remaining problems were faulty readings from a crucial temperature-sensing device.
If these two tests were from the same person, anti-doping experts said, this could indicate that the equipment made a faulty reading on the first test.
It seemed clear, however, that he would argue that Mr. Deaver's new court motion was based on a faulty reading of the law and of recent court opinions.
Erasmus, as a scholar and textual critic, had learnt to distrust theology, whose dogmatic conclusions were often based, as he had discovered, on faulty readings of the text.
Another launch attempt on 24 April was scrubbed due to a possible faulty reading with one of the inertial measurement units.
The court papers describe numerous complaints from patients who were injured after getting faulty readings.
This will give a faulty reading .
Dismissing the theory as based on a faulty reading of the original text.
Floats should rotate in the airstream, and the absence of rotation may indicate faulty readings resulting from the float catching on the tube.