But in some cans, the pop-up mechanism malfunctions or a faulty seal releases some chlorinated water into the can itself.
Currently, the faulty seal on the front door and the floor wax along the baseboards are causing him the greatest grief.
Mr. Franson said he believed that faulty seals alone could not have allowed sufficient water into the ship to cause it to list and sink within minutes.
On its first run a faulty seal allowed the oil to drain from the engine, and the blading was stripped off after only 30 seconds of running.
The first recall was to replace a faulty seal on the anti-lock brakes of about 60 cars.
Much cool air can escape past faulty seals and seams.
Do not store any jars with faulty seals; refigerate them and eat the contents in a few days.
The tape stopped 73 seconds after launching, just before the craft exploded because of a faulty seal in the booster.
All three mission crew, however, were killed upon reentry due to a faulty seal on the spacecraft that allowed air to escape the Soyuz.