Many track people believe her faulty jumping technique may have contributed to the back spasms, although Jones strongly disputes that the two were related.
With faulty technique, she is visibly trying to cope with a fierce intelligence.
If, for example, a student learns a faulty technique, the instructor will have a difficult task correcting bad habits and "reteaching" correct ones.
Often it's the repetition of an action with faulty technique that results in excessive load on tissues and subsequent injury.
They made their decision too quickly based on what we feel was faulty technique.
He returned at the 2008 Jamaican trials but suffered a hamstring injury, caused by a faulty technique due to pain in his ankle.
Although it would be no surprise to learn that this was yet another example of faulty technique on my part.
He drew stiffly, crudely, full of feeling but with faulty technique.
The remainder of the dance plays out their destiny, but the performance is marred by faulty technique and a lack of emotional conviction.
He insisted his problems were related to faulty techniques and were not inside his head.