As governor, he favored abolishing the office of Tax Commissioner.
And in the rest of the state, 47 percent said they wanted the laws to continue, while 41 percent favored abolishing them.
I do not favor abolishing the grand jury entirely.
Many Republicans favor abolishing political action committees, which in recent years have tended to favor incumbent Democrats.
He favors abolishing it unless Mr. Bush can work with Congress to make it bipartisan and independent.
Similarly, those with annual incomes above $50,000 were much more likely to favor abolishing affirmative action than those who make $30,000 a year or less.
Ms. Lief said yesterday that she favored abolishing tenure and rewarding principals with higher salaries and increased control over their schools.
More than 20 years earlier, another Gallup poll showed that 63 percent favored abolishing the trade embargo and 37 percent were opposed.
There have been commentators favoring abolishing patents entirely, outside of the industries that require them.
She favors abolishing them, an idea the International Skating Union intends to discuss at a meeting this spring.