He decried the misrepresentation of his record as favoring annexation of the suburbs by Philadelphia.
Nevertheless, many Americans favored annexation, and the cause gained momentum as the United States became embroiled in war with Spain.
Denying charges that he favored annexation of the suburbs, Dilworth said he favored voluntary cooperation between cities and suburbs.
The people who favored annexation formed a group called the Hawaiian League.
This unexpectedly led to Van Buren being dropped by the Democrats in favor of Polk, who favored annexation.
Despite their efforts, James K. Polk, the Democrat who favored annexation, became President.
Some preferred union with Mexico, others autonomy; a third group favored annexation by the United States.
Part of the bourgeoisie supported General Scott's dictatorship, and a few radicals favored outright annexation.
As Senator he supported bills favoring annexation of Texas and repealing the tariff of 1846.
He favored annexation of Hawaii and construction of a Central American canal.