He favors banning most abortions and opposes any higher taxes.
Or was he a harbinger of a growing gap between the social conservatives who favor banning abortion and the party's moderates.
Seventy-two percent of the participants favored banning pesticides over controlling radon in homes.
Mr. Pines favors banning more growth altogether, but many other residents say they would accept an additional 100 or even 200 apartments.
Most lawmakers favored banning online casino-style games, sports wagers and lottery sales.
While he favors banning contributions from political action committees, the President has repeatedly opposed spending limits.
But they engender special outrage, and recent polls show that most Americans favor banning them.
Despite this, polls suggest that most Germans favor banning Scientology altogether.
Those who favor banning chemicals that cause cancer in laboratory animals say the risk is particularly great with apples because children eat so many.
She does not favor banning abortion, since "the Government should not interfere in decisions a woman makes about her pregnancy."