Fan devotion is less important, he said, if a city's priorities for sports and other facilities do not favor building a pro football facility.
Initially, some officials favored building a domestic Internet that was walled off from the Web.
Some states favor building nuclear plants; some do not.
As a lawmaker, Mr. Aspin favored building small numbers of F-16's to keep the production line open.
Mr. Goodell favors building the proposed 460-foot runoff area at the end of Runway 13-31.
Mr. McCurry has said he also favors building a truck plant in the Midwest.
Congress, on the other hand, usually favors building the same old planes and ships so that existing jobs are not lost.
Senate leaders favor building more prisons and appear to be reluctant to expand alternatives like shock incarceration.
Johnson favors building new coal-fired and nuclear power plants.
Instead, they favored building many smaller hydroelectric stations.