When government grossly favors corporations over ordinary individuals, people lose hope of getting a fair shake.
Give me a list of the the candidates I should vote for that do not favor corporations, and I will do so.
Funds calling themselves socially responsible generally favor large corporations in nonpolluting service and financial industries that spend heavily on community development.
In particular, progressives believe that current markets are unfair because they favor large corporations and the wealthy.
Democrats said the Bush proposals favored corporations.
Participants criticize a financial system that they say favors the rich and corporations at the expense of ordinary citizens.
They favor large corporations and big businesses over the little guy.
But Democrats are pushing hard for comparative hearings, arguing that auctions will favor large corporations over smaller innovative companies.
The reason is that its demand will be heard by arbitrators, not by a court, and arbitration greatly favors corporations.
They contend that the tax system favors wealthy corporations and individuals.