The computer model also favors companies with per-share earnings growth during the previous 12 months.
Monetary authorities can use either interest rates or the quantity of money, generally favoring the former during the Great Moderation.
But if the average declines in that period, the odds would appear to favor a market recovery during 1989.
It especially favors the fruit of little coca during the summer.
After an independent investigation, four town soldiers were put in prison for favoring one ethnicity over another during the ethnic conflicts.
After a drop in popularity during the 1970s through the 1990s capris have returned to favor during the 2000s.
Kouros, who eats "anything in the house," between races, favors carbohydrates during competition.
However, he began to favor peace with the whites during the 1870s.
Young Wall Street traders are now putting their money into old masters rather than the contemporary art they favored during the 80's boom years.
Art began to copy life and realistic characteristics were favored especially during the 19th century.