Republicans in Congress, by contrast, generally favored constructive engagement with China, while liberal and protectionist Democrats usually opposed it.
The administration favors punishments and penalties on Iran, while most European governments favor negotiations and engagement.
Mr. Wolfowitz, an Asia expert, favors deeper engagement in the Philippines.
Bill favored engagement with China, but as I had learned in 1995, that was easier said than done.
Secretary Powell is known to have favored forceful engagement in getting Israel to negotiate with the Palestinians and to make concessions to them.
Washington favors engagement and aid to prevent a cornered Government from staging an attack on the South in a moment of desperation.
His hesitation is understandable: if he favors engagement, he risks upsetting conservatives as he enters the 2004 election cycle.
He said he still favored constructive engagement with China.
South Korean public opinion strongly favors further engagement.
Still, there are not many people in the administration who believe that Vice President Cheney has suddenly changed his mind, and now favors engagement.