He instead favored small groups based on ideological alignment.
Instead he favored small groups based on ideological alignement.
Republicans opposed the bill because it increased the deficit; it was a short-term patch, assembled in secret, and favored certain groups.
"We consider it a waste of resources," said a regional official who favors testing high-risk groups and emphasizing education.
The premise then was that most loopholes favoring particular groups would be closed, in favor of lower marginal tax rates for all.
He often took positions in favor of individual rights against the state, often favoring criminal defendants, minorities, the poor, and other underrepresented groups.
Others said city health officials favor Manhattan-based groups, even though the other boroughs have borne the brunt of the disease.
Adva Center seeks policy changes that favor disadvantaged groups in Israel.
Fecundism might change the dynamics of a democracy, as the one person, one vote principle favors larger groups over smaller.
We also favor groups that, in the past, were hurt by the high value of the dollar.