Whether or not she favored integration, she had a heck of a lot of guts.
The opposition Labor Party, which in the 1970's opposed joining Europe, has done a 180-degree turn, so that it now favors closer integration.
Even the Muslims, who favored integration only because they would dominate a united Bosnia, now talk openly of partition.
He favored equal rights and integration, he told the others, but if those soldiers had entered his town, he would have risen in protest.
"I favor integration on buses and in all areas of public accommodation and travel," King said.
While most African-Americans and the middle classes generally still say they favor integration, some prominent black political leaders have given up on this strategy.
Elections show that close to 60 percent of voters favor reform and integration into Europe, yet xenophobic nationalist parties drive politics here.
He said he could not predict the results, saying there are Timorese who favor integration with Indonesia.
But history gives Strasbourg even stronger reasons to favor European integration.
These technocrats encouraged competition as a means of achieving rapid economic growth, and they favored economic integration with Europe.