Osmosis favors the movement of water into the lens fibers to reduce the high osmolarity.
Pokrovsky favored the attraction of the American financial capital into the Russian economy.
Leahy subsequently indicated that he would favor further research into provisions that raised objections.
(It does favor splitting of very small parties (expecting to gain only 1-2 seats) into still smaller ones).
To hedge against the risk of more extreme climate change, Green favors increased research into geoengineering.
But few said they would now favor a re-entry into Lebanon, whatever the provocation.
Diovalaccio, seeing himself thus favored by fortune, burst into a loud laugh.
A report completed in 2010 presented several options, with community members favoring the property's conversion into a community center.
Elections show that close to 60 percent of voters favor reform and integration into Europe, yet xenophobic nationalist parties drive politics here.
This social divide between rich and poor favored the physical integration of the corridor into housing by the 19th century.