Mr. Lauder favors continued legalization but opposes any government financing.
And who besides the little witch, who favors abortion and legalization of drugs, can alleviate his distress?
"Most proponents of harm reduction do not favor legalization," Mr. Nadelmann writes.
The survey also found that feelings were stronger among those favoring legalization.
Those who favor decriminalization or legalization contend that government should be concerned with matters affecting the common good, and not seek to regulate morality at an individual level.
One signer told me that she did indeed favor legalization but that in such campaigns you just don't use words that will upset the public.
Others who favor legalization believe that crack's reputation is so bad that no more people will try it if it is legal than use it now.
Those who favor legalization have hooked their wagon to those advocating compassionate use of marijuana for very sick people.
Yet, those I've spoken with who favor legalization don't think that drugs should be freely available, particularly to children.