Mr. Zimmer noted often in a detailed interview that he favors limiting the cost and scope of the Federal government.
Those who favor limiting the role of women have seized upon Major Cornum's experience, saying it proves that women are more vulnerable than men in combat situations.
Pfau favored limiting religious references to the absolute minimum in order to avoid offending newcomers.
He favored limiting the same provisions for firefighters and law enforcement, although some cite Wisconsin's bill as allowing their collective bargaining to continue.
Sixty-eight percent favored limiting the number of years you can serve in office.
He said he favored limiting the number of families per building taken through this tenanting method, a principle some City Council members want to enact into law.
As for members of Congress, a Metropolitan Life survey of 101 of them found that only 14 percent favored limiting the health-benefits tax preference.
Opinion polls, however, indicate that Brazilians favor limiting him to four years, so the country's first direct elections since 1960 could be held in November 1988.
While recognizing that she can be an asset, the royal family is said to favor limiting her visibility because of her penchant for stealing the limelight.
He also favors limiting a bank's use of proxy shares, arguing that this gives them too much control over companies and diminishes the power of other stockholders.