While this regime's ideology was essentially the same, it favored peace with the Kurds as the war had been costly and unpopular.
It is hard to know what Israelis mean when they tell pollsters they favor peace.
But if the cease-fire proves real, public opinion in Ulster, which strongly favors peace, would eventually drive them back to the table.
Peacekeeping refers to activities that tend to create conditions that favor lasting peace.
Even the many who favor peace with Israel under certain conditions accept its reality but not its legitimacy.
This is just a part of how we're shaping a world that favors peace and prosperity.
They favored peace, an end to the Confederacy, and a return to the Union.
He knew that Valdemar would always favor allies and peace over conquest.
His meeting on Saturday seemed aimed at speaking to the elements favoring peace.
However, he began to favor peace with the whites during the 1870s.