Conservatives favored protecting many of the institutions inherited from the colonial period including tax and legal exemptions for the Catholic Church and the military.
All 12 Democrats on the committee voted against Miss Gall, the only Republican on the three-member commission, saying she favored protecting manufacturers over children.
By nearly two to one, respondents said they favored protecting the environment over producing energy.
Debra Mendelsohn of Claremont, Calif., who has two asthmatic children, said she favored protecting the ozone layer.
Mr. Dole's campaign said his image had suffered, particularly among women, from a perception that he favored protecting assault weapons.
Environmentalists and some officials favor protecting the refuge as a pristine wilderness area.
Until today, safety agency rules effectively favored protecting medium-size people who were not wearing seat belts.
But Democrats, independents, women and suburbanites all lopsidedly favored protecting the environment over producing energy, regardless of the cost.
At the park's border, a farmer named Esperance Nyiramahirwe, 27, chopping at the soil since dawn, said she favored protecting the gorillas.
Michael regrets losing Hayes, even though it is clear that he favored protecting the third baseman and was overruled by other executives.