But it was not so long ago that Federal Indian policy favored removing reservations altogether.
Mr. Burnley strongly favors removing air traffic control not only from his department but from the agency itself.
He too favored removing Indians from the United States - for their own good, he insisted.
But some of the Catholics favored removing the cross, and some of the nonbelievers wanted to keep it.
Polls indicate that more than 65 percent of voters favor removing the ban on divorce.
I favor removing the spending ceiling altogether, but that is not politically realistic.
Respondents strongly favored removing travel restrictions between the United States and Cuba.
Mr. Gore said he favored removing the tax for most farm families and small businesses, but not the most wealthy.
As for the bases, a poll taken by the local government a few years ago showed about 80 percent of Okinawans favor removing or reducing them.
American negotiators initially favored removing warheads as a feature of nuclear disarmament, but are now cool about the procedure.