Polls for the first time show a narrow majority of Puerto Ricans now favors statehood.
Critics say both bills favor statehood, although Mr. Murkowski tried to blunt that accusation with language in his version.
Today, with crime running wild and the city in fiscal shambles, those who favor statehood dare not speak its name.
The party supported greater self-government for the island, though the party was divided between those in favor of independence and those favoring statehood.
The first is the election of Mr. Bush, who has long favored statehood for the island.
Opponents say the bill is unnecessary and contend that the issue was intended to embarrass those who favor statehood for the island.
It has the support of President Bush, who favors statehood for the Caribbean island of about 3.5 million people.
In recent opinion polls, Puerto Ricans favoring statehood lead those who want it to keep commonwealth status.
He favored joint statehood with New Mexico in 1904 and 1905.
The Bush Administration readily admits it favors statehood.