Already, the market has begun to favor such stocks.
The 80's, a decade of easy credit and abundant access to overseas markets, favored bigger stocks.
Instead, they favor stocks with lower price-to-earnings or other valuation ratios.
Mr. Williams favors financial stocks, which amount to nearly a third of his portfolio.
Investors continued to favor smaller stocks, however, as the Nasdaq index set its second straight daily record, advancing 2.84, or 0.42 percent, to 671.85.
Just like many investors, the women now strongly favor stocks over other uses for their money.
Strategists continue to favor stocks as the lead component in portfolios.
"If people had to buy something, I would favor bonds rather than stocks."
"Where we are in the stock market and economic cycle tends to favor small-cap stocks."
But while global investors still seem to favor stocks outside the United States, the trend could be shifting.