West Germany favors talks on reducing but not eliminating short-range nuclear weapons and artillery.
Unlike many Protestants, he favors direct talks between Protestant and Catholic politicians.
Even University officials who favor talks with the group say the proposal raises unusual questions for the academic world.
Some of the officials made clear that they favored direct talks between the United States and Iran.
Leaders of both sides have said they favor new talks, but have set conditions unacceptable to their adversaries.
The top contenders have favored talks of some sort, but not Beijing's vision of reunification.
The Bush administration has not endorsed that approach, instead favoring political talks alongside reform.
The poll asked 1,500 Iranians whether they favored opening talks with America, and 75 percent said "yes."
In a surprise move, Bonn has also indicated that it favors talks on nuclear artillery forces, Western officials reported.
In addition, Scandinavian countries and Spain are said to favor early talks on reducing short-range nuclear arms.