The staff report favored an initial reduction of $50 million and a rate moratorium until January 1990.
Deficit spending is an old concept, formulated by John Maynard Keynes and favored until the 1980's as a standard tool for regulating the economy.
The conventional wisdom is that voters, who generally favored Democratic candidates until this decade, have accepted the Republican agenda of the Reagan years largely based on economic issues.
President Gorbachev has given those favoring a short transition to the market and advocates of a more conservative approach until mid-October to fashion a compromise.
She had been favoring it until today when she hadn't given it a thought She'd used it to climb and carry and everything.
Some even favored Saint Leibowitz as the proper address, since the Beatus had, until the present, been referred to by his surname.
Iris makes a deep connection with Roy, although he favors Memo over her until the end of the novel.
Mr. Seymour favored oil drilling until the Exxon Valdez accident in Alaska in 1989.