Such arrangements, however favorable to the cause of compulsory freedom, civil and religious, may not be equally conducive to the national tranquility.
A sweetheart deal or sweetheart contract is an abnormally favorable contractual arrangement.
The bill, approved 348 to 71, would prevent the regulations from taking effect until September, giving the states more time to negotiate a more favorable arrangement.
That, he was request for favorable arrangements of own's assassin.
In fact, during her career, she has often lived for long periods in hotels, where she sometimes has favorable arrangements.
But he believes a favorable arrangement with the transit authority will be worked out.
When the electron is in its new higher-energy state, the most favorable arrangement of the nuclei changes a little.
Because the nuclei are so heavy, they will (comparatively) slowly reorganize to their most favorable arrangement.
For America Online, a deal is likely to mean a more favorable financial arrangement than the service had with ABC, one executive said.
She refused to provide any details, saying that to do so would compromise the county's ability to complete a favorable arrangement.