Under a powerful line of Supreme Court cases, the prosecution must hand over any evidence favorable to the defense.
It is literally considered favorable evidence for the accused that automatically attaches at trial.
In mid-April, the defense lawyers tried repeatedly to meet with the district attorney to share what they describe as evidence favorable to their clients.
Mr. Bailey's lawyers say he was not allowed to introduce favorable evidence and testimony at a hearing.
Once a criminal case reaches the trial stage, the Government is obliged to tell the defense about favorable evidence in its possession.
Despite some favorable anecdotal evidence, the effectiveness of alternative veterinary medicine has been met with skepticism in scientific journals.
Attorneys at this stage can argue, for instance, that prosecutors improperly concealed evidence favorable to the defendant.
Each group viewed the content of the video as presenting evidence favorable to their own cause in the dispute.
This is to be categorized as evidence favorable to John Tower.
These included the requirement that the prosecution not withhold favorable evidence from the accused.