Ford has also made serious amends, by, among other things, making investments and offering favorable financing in Israel and by sponsoring movies like "Schindler's List" on television.
While it would also seem to be a buyer's market, it is not yet clear whether customers are getting good prices as well as favorable financing.
Other factors, he added, were that AT&T could take advantage of state incentives, like training grants, and by working with the developer it could secure favorable financing.
Sales of cars, furniture and appliances rise in response to more home building and more favorable financing.
Good weather and favorable financing helped buyers lock in deals.
The subcommittee criticized the deal's favorable financing terms, as well as what it called the agency's mishandling of the packaging of properties.
The company's banks have already moved to restrict Ahold's room for maneuver, insisting that a five-year unsecured credit line of 2 billion euros be replaced with less favorable financing.
As the market for top executives tightened in the 1990's, they began to demand favorable financing.
Government lending institutions, such as America's Export-Import Bank, provide favorable financing to overseas buyers of domestically made craft.
Vehicle sales have been helped by cash rebates and favorable financing, fleet sales and relatively modest price increases on 1991 models.