Both before and after she became a novelist she was favorably known also for short stories contributed to the magazines.
He was favorably known as a pulpit orator.
Mr. Johnson had been reared by his grandparents, and he and they were favorably known in Walnut Grove.
The Rev. Mallalieu became favorably known to his denomination through able contributions to Methodist periodicals.
I think it would be very wise for us to become well and favorably known to the key Presidential candidates.
In the first place my work on the fishes of Brazil, just about to appear, will make me favorably known.
Over the next seven years, his reputation grew and Lowe became widely and favorably known.
Mr. Forshew was well and favorably known, far and near, as a photographer, almost without a peer.
He joined the real service in Chevalier Guards in 1802, already favorably known to Tsar Alexander I.
It appeared he was known, and favorably known, here.