This is a favored food of finches and many other seed-eating birds.
Maqui berries are a favored food for birds at the end of summer.
Fish is a favored food among the otters, but they also consume various amphibians, turtles, and crayfish.
To bring cholesterol levels to within desirable limits, most people do not have to give up such favored foods as red meat and cheese.
"In under an hour, you have become the favored food for gossip," hissed the woman.
Rather than withhold the favored food, offer a small portion with other foods.
The fruit is edible for humans but is not a favored food.
Succulence of their favored foods appears to be a key to sage-grouse movements.
He tried to get his family rice, the favored food here.
One of the favored foods of my region.