The favored habitat of this ray is sandy bays, though it can also be found over rubble bottoms, rocky terrain, and rhodolith beds.
Furthermore, it is sheltered from commercial fishing gear by the rough terrain of its favored habitats.
Within its favored habitat, its coloration makes it well camouflaged against predators.
One of the favored habitats of the woodrat comes under the protection of the hardwood hammocks.
The favored habitat of this fern is the understory of moist coniferous forests at low elevations.
Always, by long-practiced custom, did he utilize this method when he neared a favored habitat.
Rich deciduous woods of bluffs, ravines, and alluvial land provide its most favored habitat.
The plant's favored natural habitat is mostly coastal hammocks with some shade, as the cactus can become desiccated in full sun.
Blackness was The Shadow's favored habitat.
These are collections of dead fronds against the trunk and provide a favored dark habitat for the bats.