They were her serfs, her slaves, albeit favored ones.
Not a few Afghan politicians/warlords - or their close relatives - you get the picture - tend to be the favored ones.
Margaret could forgive Alvin, but never Calvin, no, because he wasn't one of the favored ones.
The favored ones: she watched them grow, and presently chased them down the river.
For it was in his mind and heart to bestow good gifts upon his favored ones.
"The Shiites are the favored ones now."
Most of the slaves sleep in a few large rooms, but your girl was put in one of her own that we keep for favored ones.
We had to ride past the tents of the other steading riders, where some few remained; only the favored ones had been invited to the hunt.
You will be the favored ones.
His men, these favored ones at least, were easy with him.