Roei was a favored style of reciting poetical works at that time.
The title refers to Dove's favored style, a variant that allows partners to separate on the floor, enabling a disciplined wriggle between intimacy and freedom.
And, quite frankly, the players seem much more enamored of Messier's favored style - a more open, offensive approach - than Neilson's.
And the favored style is the bikini.
Right now the favored style is the flat-front straight-leg version with a slight flare at the hem.
Among the favored styles are Spring laces by Super Step in Somerville, Mass.
The more favored style of the Giants - get a lead and protect it - was what the Giants had hoped to impose upon the Lions today.
This year, the favored style for evening is perfectly neat - precise buns, demure chignons and ladylike French twists.
Beginning with Vespasian, represented in a craggy, unflinching portrait from the second half of the first century, realism re-emerges as a favored style among the aristocracy.
The most popular choices, forgetting coffee and Coke, are hamburgers, chicken and eggs (omelette is the favored style).