Users can earn free calling credits by watching a short video or downloading their favorite apps with "OfferWall" feature available for all iOS and Android devices.
Not really my favorite app, but GPS Status saved my sanity during the Galaxy-S GPS fiasco over the summer.
And here I was thinking we were talking about favorite Android apps - silly me.
Starting with Android, here are our favorite apps of 2010, in no particular order.
Some of these companies have our favorite apps, for which we paid the asking price.
Their favorite apps are there (usually actual copies instead of aliases) as are their twenty different "documents" folders and possibly last few documents they've saved.
Hand her an iPhone, however, and she'll navigate through it to find her favorite app in no time.
"It's one of my favorite apps, and a nice example of using a phone to interrogate a space or a contextual event," Mr. Burns said.
Internet users will be able to use and vote for their favorite app.
Acer has added a small circle icon to the menu bar that, when tapped, brings up a wheel of favorite apps and items for easy access.