The first of a series of dog coins features Queen Elizabeth II's favorite breed, the Welsh corgi.
He named his team the Oorang Indians, after his kennels and favorite breed of dog.
"We lost ours four weeks ago," said Doreen Carruthers, a London homemaker who was casting a speculative eye over the home's crop of Staffordshire bull terriers, her favorite breed.
And of a favorite breed of rose called Tuscany - "It's peach, it opens like a cabbage, and it's the size of your hand," she said.
The favorite breed at the time was the Broad Breasted Bronze, which was developed from the Standard Bronze.
Goyard also sells dog supplies, beautiful leather collars and leads, along with blankets appliquéd in a corner with an image of your favorite breed.
For all we know, the Breen are really just Soval's favorite breed of saber-toothed Vulcan puppies, and he was just jerking our collective chains.
"It's the mafia's favorite breed," Anatoly Glebov said, by way of an advertisement for his $350 puppies.
Into this shadowy atmosphere comes newly minted Rudy Baylor (Matt Damon), the young Memphis idealist who is Mr. Grisham's favorite breed of hero.
But the family's favorite breed of horse rides on and on as if two world wars had never happened.