Vishnu and Shiva were the favorite deities.
Certain days of the week are also set aside for fasting depending on personal belief and favorite deity.
Their favorite deities were Mahādeva or Shiva, and also Kārtikeya, standing with a spear in right hand.
He invoked Savitri, his favorite deity and by the grade of god, they had a daughter; named as Savitri.
Thus, some Hindus chant the name of their favorite deities as often as possible, the most common being Krishna.
Among the higher classes of the Tamil society, the favorite deity was Siva.
A public relations disaster, stealing from one of Hong Kong's favorite deities, is averted.
Their favorite deity was however their national hero Krishna.
"He was one of the favorite deities."
The Chamang and Domang have their favorite deities such as Nag Devta.