The movie picked up pace due to word of mouth and gained favourable response from the audience.
The concert brought very favourable response for her return to the stage and she is now planning to tour across Canada in 2012.
Over twice as many reported a favourable response to the movement compared to those who dislike it.
The band began playing the new material at concerts in 2009 to a favourable response.
The book received a mostly favourable critical response and several awards.
Once you have got a favourable response, you follow through with an invitation to a social event.
Theme days have also been introduced at the canteen with favourable response.
In their experience this is a favourable response to a campaign like this.
Having said this, I should like to thank you once more for giving such a favourable response to these reports.
It is not therefore possible at the moment to give a favourable response to the above request.