If you don't believe less favourable treatment has been given, the statement should say so.
Some parents have abducted children to their own states in the hope of receiving more favourable treatment.
The oil companies would then be concerned that they will not receive the same favourable treatment as under Westminster.
The inquiry revealed favourable treatment of local developers by certain Council staff.
Such favourable treatment was not at all precluded by s 6(7), which should be read subject to the previous provisions of the section.
There is nothing shocking in the favourable treatment of the rich.
They sought to avoid civilian casualties and receive favourable treatment from Germany.
There must clearly not be any favourable treatment for this type of situation.
Would it not be possible for the Commission to consider an additional approach to give even more favourable treatment to the micro-small business?
There is no clear evidence that women receive massively more favourable treatment from the police or the courts.