The ledges of the main crag to the south have been a favoured nesting site for peregrine falcons.
This species is gregarious, and at favoured sites, the flocks of a thousand or more birds arriving at dawn are an impressive sight.
Today Devakottai is a favoured site for movie shootings, mainly because of its palatial bungalows (which belong to Nagarathar families).
It would have been one of the last traditional personal castles to be built in the country, located on a favoured site within the Pomeroy's deer park.
Dawlish Warren is a favoured site for birdwatching.
Though the favoured site is in the perirenal fat, some worms occur in the kidney itself, in the calyces and pelvis.
Migration takes place at night, and flocks resting during the day may aggregate to hundreds of birds at favoured sites.
Despite criticism of rough seas and bad weather, the favoured site soon became the area offshore from the Tsawwassen First Nation Reserve.
From 1792 it became a favoured site for seal hunters.
This species is gregarious, and at favoured sites substantial flocks can form.