You have, most regrettably, just run over your aunt's favourite cat.
'Seeing your favourite cat being swallowed up is something else, too,' Ramone complained.
Most of my customers are regulars: they have their favourite cats and bring them presents.
Black like Ra-Orkon's favourite cat, whose mummy was placed with his in the secret burial chamber many centuries ago.
And here we have a cat that looks like the reincarnation of Ra-Orkon's favourite cat of three thousand years ago.
In the midst of dinner, my mistress's favourite cat leaped into her lap.
Our favourite cat, Paddy, is very sick, and we are afraid he is going to die.
Yes, my granny had died, as had a favourite cat.
He'd fetched his favourite cat along with him . . . Pills was his name.
She self-releases her albums through her own record label which is called "Mittens" named after her mother's favourite cat.