Although they feared capture and incarceration for desertion, it was John whom finally decided to return for supplies.
According to legend, Sanctuary accepts all who fear capture or harm, both the justly and unjustly accused.
Fearing capture, they moved on to Blackheath in Hertfordshire, and then back to London.
With police officers present outside, ODB performed briefly and then fled, fearing capture.
Fearing capture and reimprisonment, Greenhow fled the grounded ship by rowboat.
Then, as he drove home, he hit care worker Carol Jordan with his car and, fearing capture, beat her to death.
With a week's start, we could be far away and never fear capture.
As Brazilian officials acknowledge, rebels regularly cross the border to buy food and medicine at accessible border settlements where they do not fear capture.
Fearing capture, Tomas removes his brother from the hospital; Walter speculates that the cosmonaut brought the entity back with him upon returning from space.
Koolau and his family lived nomadically in the valley fearing capture.