Perhaps it was that fear, engendered by the movies or TV.
Public order was maintained mainly through fear engendered by the secret police.
Despite the fear and anger engendered by Mr. Duke's candidacy, some prominent blacks are still worried about getting high turnout.
Leaders can help, but ultimately victory is about not letting the fear engendered by this new era paralyze you.
Once again, however, it took the fears engendered by the Boer War to arouse widespread interest in the issue.
But the trend reversed as companies played on the fears engendered by the layoffs that sometimes followed leveraged takeovers.
The spooky Chagall-like sets instill a sense of the fears engendered by pogroms.
But we saw no signs of the fear engendered by living in a police state, nor the hostility to Westerners some of us had been expecting.
This may seem a small thing but we already know academic freedom, political debate and anti-radicalisation work are being limited by fears engendered by such legislation.
A new international environment, born of the revulsion, shock or just plain fear engendered by attacks on the United States, has made it possible.