She said doctors at the clinics feared legal liability and would refuse to work if they could not give their patients complete medical information.
But the hospital, saying that it feared potential legal liability if it made no effort to save the fetus, sought a judicial ruling.
Providers may fear liability should a legitimate message of an emergency nature be blocked.
They fear increased liability for what they say in the "fairness opinions" they render on all mergers and acquisitions, he said.
And it said the school, fearing legal liability, could no longer be responsible for what might happen.
Many physicians, fearing both legal and moral liability, are relucant to write such "medical orders."
In Berkeley some hotel people say they do not oppose the concept but fear potential liability.
But most builders, fearing legal liability, evidently still prefer to have a city inspector sign off on their work.
No director should fear liability for taking more control.
Many school officials say they like the idea of required community service in theory but fear potential legal liability.