Those who fear persecution are more likely to flee from their homeland, sometimes in an irregular and dangerous manner.
All say they fear persecution at home, and immigration officials estimate that tens of thousands really are running for their lives.
In practice the government provided protection against refoulement, the return of persons to a country where they feared persecution.
"The central flaw is that people, many of whom may be refugees, are being forced back to the very country where they fear persecution," he said.
First, an asylum applicant must establish that he or she fears persecution.
Spelled out, the doctrine declares that nobody should be forced to return to a homeland where he has reason to fear persecution.
He also said they feared persecution because of their opposition to China's policy limiting them to only one child.
The commission said: 'We feel he is a genuine political refugee who has reason to fear persecution.
He said the couple had been granted asylum because they feared political persecution in the West.
Once they leave, many are not permitted to return, while others fear discrimination or persecution if they do go back.