Those fears spurred her on.
Heightened fears of war in the Middle East spurred a rally in the precious metal markets yesterday.
Figures for the West, meanwhile, have been dominated by strength in California, where the healthy economy and a fear of future restrictions on development are spurring sales.
It occurred to her that she was feeling more alert by the moment; as if fear was spurring her now, instead of enervating her.
In the wake of his death, fear of retaliation by Trujillo's allies, and political uncertainty in general, spurred migration from the island.
If his students could get diplomas by taking Regents exams, fear of not graduating would no longer spur them to excel in portfolios.
Finally, he said, the fear and the family's trust spurred them to open a dialogue about surrender.
Unemployment can cause underemployment, and fear of job loss can spur psychological anxiety.
Now the fear of terrorism is spurring elected officials throughout the region to raise similar questions about Indian Point.
In addition, some studio executives say, a fear of piracy has spurred legalized downloads.