The cat (if one may call so fearful a creature by so homely a name) was not more than ten feet from me.
They were classified to one of the most fearful creatures in the Philippines because of their appearance.
I m as fearful of entering into contact with them as if they were living creatures.
Time and again they were attacked by fearful creatures of the deep, for this strange thing upon the surface of the water attracted many to them.
Brady moved away, making an exaggerated gesture of terror as if Janet were a fearful creature.
I saw a fearful creature, with glittering eyes that threatened some unimaginable vengeance.
But he was still a fearful and feeble creature, no match for the monstrous creatures about him.
Ancient spirits have returned to the wells and springs; fearful creatures haunt the ruins.
Could he have been watching from the window to see this fearful creature?
But he was still a fearful creature, superior to the monsters about him only in the possession of latent intelligence.