"Richard Sharpe, my fearless soldier."
The Death Korps are fearless soldiers, fighting the Imperium's enemies forever in order to atone for their planet's past rebellion.
She has gone to the last reward of a fearless soldier.
In the war he proved himself a brilliant military leader and a fearless soldier.
A tour of the facilities and interviews with prisoners seemed designed to show the prisoners as misguided children, not fearless soldiers.
The image that most people have of Richard I Coeur de Lion is of a brave, chivalrous knight and a fearless soldier.
What if we could activate specific receptors in the brain to create fearless soldiers, or to make pilots on long-range missions more alert for longer periods of time?
He was personally fascinated by the Islamic faith and believed that Islam created fearless soldiers.
She was referred to as a "frank and fearless" soldier and was active in every battle her regiment faced.
His reputation was that of a gallant fearless soldier.